CFBC Deacons

The mission of the Deacons is to serve the Lord by serving the caring ministry of the church, doing the work of benevolence, visiting those who are sick, assisting the needs of the congregation and the Pastor, thereby spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and promoting unity within the Church.
Responsibilities of Our Deacons:
  • Maintain regular contact with families, strengthen and lift them up through regular prayer, and to visit with those who are sick and homebound.
  • Promote harmony, peace, love and joy through work in the church and support of those who also work in the church.
  • Be a model of sacrificial spirit in every aspect of the church, and proclaim the gospel to all.
  • Lead in worship services and prayer.
  • Serve communion.
  • Assist Pastor to carry out the vision and mission of the church and serve the community and the Church at Large.